MassRobotics celebrated a successful year of growth with local and international partners during the Annual Partners’ Celebration held in December. Guest speaker
Jay Ash emphasized the word “convergence,” a place where public, private and academic groups meet to develop and scale the most important ideas globally. 2021 has been an exciting year of growth in funding and acquisitions for our residents. This was highlighted by FringeAI, (acquired by LMI Technologies), Activ Surgical (more than $45M raised), Waypoint Robotics (acquired by Locus Robotics), Realtime Robotics (more than $31M raised), Ori (more than $27M raised), American Robotics (acquired by Ondas Holdings) and Pison (closing $7M Series A).

During the event partners Cowen, FESTO and Mitsubishi Electric were recognized for their community engagement. This year we welcomed new strategic partners Universal Robots, Procter & Gamble, Amazon Web Services and two more new partners. It is difficult to summarize the overall impact of MassRobotics and its partners, from STEM initiatives aimed at underserved communities to pioneering standards in the AMR industry. MassRobotics serves to scale robotics startups that benefit the world with a future focus highlighting robotics startups impact on climate change.