W12 – Symbiotic: A Workshop on Transferability between Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and Autonomous Vehicle Interaction Research

Help robots and Autonomous vehicles integrate into society by uncovering research synergies.  Join us at the Auto UI Conference for an exciting workshop exploring the synergies between Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and Autonomous Vehicle and Other Road Users (AV-ORU) interactions. This workshop delves into the bidirectional applicability of principles, methodologies, and insights, fostering discussions on distinctions and parallels between HRI and AV and human interactions. Our goal is to improve robots integration into society through integrating HRI and AV interaction methodologies, broadening ethical considerations, and enhancing user-centric research, addressing shared challenges and promoting innovative solutions for autonomous systems.


  • Symbiotic Relationship: Forge connections between HRI and AV-human interaction research.
  • Mapping Transferability: Explore the transferability terrain between these fields.
  • Interaction Design: Advance interaction design research in autonomous systems.
  • Collaborative Solutions: Encourage innovative solution-building.
  • Future Roadmap: Set a roadmap for future research and collaboration.

Call for Participation:

This workshop is ideal for researchers and practitioners in HRI and AV fields, roboticists, AI experts, UX designers, ethicists, policymakers, planners, and industry innovators. 

The workshop aims to identify themes, map opportunities, and discuss collaborative projects. All Auto UI attendees are welcome to participate in the workshop. In addition, if you would like to make a presentation as part of the workshop, you may submit a short paper outlining what you would plan to talk about. If so, we invite works in progress works in progress, position papers and research article submissions on topics broadly including:

  • Empirical studies on human-robot interactions.
  • Bidirectional transferability models between HRI and AV-ORU.
  • User interface design and user experience enhancements.
  • Ethical paradigms and decision-making frameworks.
  • Collaborative solution-building strategies.
  • Research methods for analyzing transferability.
  • Metrics and models for evaluating interactions.
  • Synergies and divergences between HRI and AV-ORU.
  • Impact of real-world complexity on HRI research.
  • Influence of environment, user diversity, and system design on autonomous systems.

Submitted papers should be 2 to 4 pages long in the official ACM single-column template. References are not included in the page limit. Papers should be formatted according to the conference template. You can find the template here. Papers must be submitted in PDF format.


Workshop participants, especially those who have contributed papers, will be invited to collaborate on a multi-author journal paper and join the SAAM consortium. Workshop presentation slides will be posted on the website upon author’s consent.

Tentative Schedule:

  • 2:00-2:10 pm – Opening and Introductions
  • 2:15-3:00 pm – Participant Presentations + Q/A
  • 3:15- 4:15 pm – Panel + Discussion
  • 4:30-5:30 pm – Transferability Game 
  • 5:30-6:00 pm – Roadmap for Future and Conclusion

Important Dates:

  • Workshop Date – Sept 22nd, 2024
  • Paper Submission Deadline: September 2, 2024
  • Decision notification – September 9, 2024
  • Camera-rea Sep 13, 2024 by submission  


Paul Schmitt

Autonomous Vehicle Autonomy Principal Software Systems Engineer, Torc Robotics and founder, Socially Aware Autonomous Mobility Consortium (SAAM), MassRobotics

Swapna Joshi

NSF-CRA Computing Innovation Fellow and Postdoctoral Researcher, Northeastern University’s Institute of Experiential Robotics

Bruce N. Walker

Professor of Psychology and Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech

Azra Habibovic

Technology Leader for Human Factors and Automation, Scania CV


12 Channel Street, Boston, MA 02210

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