Closing Keynote – Marc Raibert, Founder & CEO, Boston Dynamics
Earlier this year, Business-to-Business publisher WTWH Media announced an exclusive Strategic Partnership with MassRobotics to plan a Robotics Summit & Showcase that would be an educational forum dedicated to addressing the technical issues involved with the design, development, manufacture and delivery of commercial robotics and intelligent systems products and services.

Tom Ryden, MassRobotics Executive Director & Scott McCafferty, Publisher, WTWH Media
This inaugural Robotics Summit & Showcase was held May 23-24, at the Westin Boston Waterfront, and walking distance to MassRobotics. The conference program included 6 keynotes and 35 presenters specifically designed to impart to technical professionals the information they need to successfully develop the next generation of commercial robotics systems. Tracks emphasized the design and development of commercially viable robotics and intelligent systems products and included:

The Technologies, Tools and Platforms Track covered the latest advances in the core technologies that are common to most classes of robots and intelligent systems: Sensors and Sensing, Thinking and Cognition, and Actuation and Mobility. The Design and Development Track covered the design and development of commercial robotic systems. And the Manufacturability, Production and Distribution Track included sessions on trends, designing for manufacturing, supply chain support, and robotics as a service. There was also a bonus tract that included Investment and Opportunity, focusing on many robotics sector investment options available, including individual publicly traded robotics companies, via Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and in early stage funding of start-ups.
The Showcase, including 22 exhibitors, provided attendees with hands on access to the latest design and development solutions for producing robotics and intelligent systems products and services.

Opening Keynote – Damion Shelton, Co-founder & CEO Agility Robotics
Save the Date: June 4 – 6, 2019. Planning has begun for the 2019 Summit and Showcase. The Summit is expanding and will be held at the Seaport World Trade Center.