MassRobotics Sponsors

MassRobotics sponsors help shape the future and accelerate the success of the robotics community.

At MassRobotics, our sponsors aren’t just collaborators; they’re the driving force behind the evolution of the robotics landscape. As essential pillars of our dynamic ecosystem, sponsors play a pivotal role in sculpting tomorrow’s innovations and catalyzing the triumphs of the robotics community.

Our sponsors bring a broad range of perspectives, real world experience, expertise, market opportunities and insight into our startup Resident Community. By becoming a sponsor, you’re not merely becoming part of an ecosystem – you’re empowering the rise of startups that hold the key to reshaping the future of robotics.

Your sponsorship with MassRobotics unlocks a world of connections and access. Gain entry into our vibrant community of more than 400 robotic companies, enabling you to forge meaningful relationships and harness collaborative potential. With guided introductions to esteemed sponsors, and executive contacts, you can seamlessly integrate into the fabric of our dynamic network. Our community includes robotics startups, established companies, technology users, thought leaders, component suppliers, government leaders, developers, investors, academia and ecosystem supporters.

Embrace the opportunity of becoming a MassRobotics sponsor as more than just a present-day alliance; it’s a strategic investment in the future of robotics. Engaging with startups today lays the foundation for potential client relationships tomorrow, offering you firsthand insights into their technological trajectories and guiding your R&D efforts. This collaborative synergy isn’t confined to the present; it extends into tomorrow, empowering you to shape the evolution of your technology through real-world feedback and pioneering applications. By nurturing these connections, you’re not just propelling startups toward success, but also forging a direct pathway from sponsorship to clientship, where innovation thrives and your solutions find new dimensions.

At MassRobotics, innovation services are at your fingertips. Tap into our expertise to design and execute technology challenges and startup competitions that captivate the robotics world. Organize tailored innovation-focused sessions that amplify your brand’s influence and position you as a key player in shaping tomorrow’s possibilities.

Your presence within our facility becomes a beacon of innovation. Enjoy the right to access and utilize our common areas, including conference rooms and a dynamic café space. Offer your employees the opportunity to engage with those living a day one mentality, fostering a collaborative environment that fuels growth and sparks creativity.

Within our Resident community, there are next-generation robotics hardware and software companies that will move this industry forward. We can bring these ideas to life faster and more successfully with our sponsor’s support

As a MassRobotics sponsor, you’re at the forefront of industry recognition and exposure. Join exclusive invite-only events like startups’ Demo & Pitch sessions, and our esteemed Annual Sponsors Celebration. Participate in intimate and thought-provoking events with our Resident startups and vast ecosystem that empower you to exchange insights with industry leaders. Plus, your affiliation opens doors to selected innovation and technology-focused events.

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“MassRobotics has proven to be an ideal place to introduce Mitsubishi Electric to engage with the robotics community and startup companies in the North America market.” – Development Manager, Mitsubishi Electric

“MITRE is thrilled to be a part of the most robust, thriving innovation ecosystem in the country for robotics and autonomous systems created and led by MassRobotics.” – Director of Bridging Innovation, MITRE

Annual sponsors

Founding sponsors


Many of our sponsors look for ways to engage with our startup residents and the robotics ecosystem.

We host custom challenges based on our sponsors’ and industry needs.


How does the MassRobotics model work?

MassRobotics is funded by sponsorships, resident fees, custom programming and federal and state grants. Our nonprofit model takes financially vested elements out of the equation and lets us provide true escalation to help sponsors, resident startups and the overall community grow to be successful.

How does MassRobotics serve and engage SPONSORs?

MassRobotics provides custom solutions on approach, positioning and involvement with our robotics community. The most successful sponsorships have been high-touch engagements where the sponsors embed themselves into the community. We recognize the wealth of thought leadership that comes from large corporates, academia and startups. This is augmented with speaking engagements, events and direct introductions that often result in proof of concepts and investments.

Can I provide in-kind?

A fair amount of sponsors provide some pairing of an in-kind of their product or a product highlighted as a great need in our workspace. Due to our nonprofit model, sponsorships must have monetary provision as part of the annual agreement. That said, the in-kind can offset this annual fee with credit.

Are there SPONSORship tiers?

There are currently three tiers of sponsorship: Basic, Enhanced and Strategic. The level corresponds with how involved and customized your company would like to be with MassRobotics activities and engagement.

What is the typical size of SPONSOR companies?

Sponsor companies’ revenue is usually $100M+.

I don’t meet the revenue requirement, how can I engage?

We recognize that smaller/midsize suppliers, manufacturers and service providers would like to get involved with the community. To be fair to the high-touch nature and cost paired with traditional sponsorship we developed a program called the Associated Network that allows affiliation with MassRobotics (and a yearly in-person event). The Associated Network is limited to companies with revenue no greater than $50M.

I am not sure I can afford SPONSORship or Associated Network, how can I engage?

You might be a startup! Please check this page out and apply if you are a robotics company. Otherwise, you are encouraged to join our mailing list for public events.


12 Channel Street, Boston, MA 02210

© 2025 MassRobotics

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